A legal right to a bank account Auteur(s): Patson, Robert inconnu.jpg 23/03/2010Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de A legal right to a bank account
Mobile Financial Services: Extending the Reach of Financial Services Through Mobile Payment Systems Editeur: THE FOUNDATION FOR DEVELOPMENT COOPERATIONAuteur(s): McMurray, Alaina inconnu.jpg 2009Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de Mobile Financial Services: Extending the Reach of Financial Services Through Mobile Payment Systems
Financial inclusion measurement for regulators: Survey design and implementation Editeur: Alliance For Finacial InclusingAuteur(s): AFI, (Alliance For Financial Inclusion) inconnu.jpg Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de Financial inclusion measurement for regulators: Survey design and implementation
Financial Services for the Poor A strategy for the Australian aid program 201015 Editeur: the Australian Agency for International DevelopmenAuteur(s): AUSAID, (Australian Agency for International Development) inconnu.jpg 03/2010Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de Financial Services for the Poor A strategy for the Australian aid program 201015
Bank exclusion in the United Kingdom Editeur: INAISE & NEFAuteur(s): Kempson, Elaine inconnu.jpg 1999Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de Bank exclusion in the United Kingdom
Deregularisation and segmentation in the financial services sector : the effects on the low income side of the economy( lessons from USA) Editeur: INAISE & NEFAuteur(s): Dan, Immergluck inconnu.jpg 1999Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de Deregularisation and segmentation in the financial services sector : the effects on the low income side of the economy( lessons from USA)
New technology and banking exclusion Editeur: INAISE & NEFAuteur(s): Paul, Gosling inconnu.jpg 1999Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de New technology and banking exclusion
the financing gap: myths and realities Editeur: INAISE & NEFAuteur(s): Paul, Dembinsky inconnu.jpg 1999Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de the financing gap: myths and realities
Communities are creditworthy: south shore bank (USA) Editeur: INAISE & NEFAuteur(s): Lynn, PikholsRonald, Grzywinsky inconnu.jpg 1999Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de Communities are creditworthy: south shore bank (USA)
New forms of ethical banking for an increasing social demand: Banca Etica Editeur: INAISE & NEFAuteur(s): Foschi, LauraFrencesco, Bicciato inconnu.jpg 1999Article (non Financité) 0 Lire la suite de New forms of ethical banking for an increasing social demand: Banca Etica